Bob Nelson is friends with Jan Bear
Bob Nelson is friends with KRISTINA LOWE
Circle of the Bleeding Moon
A Book discussion group for the Twelve Tomes fantasy book series by Bob Nelson.A secret society of wizards long having influenced the events of...
Hello, all-
I added some special backgrounds to use for Valentine's Day! Hope you like them.
I added some special backgrounds to use for Valentine's Day! Hope you like them.
I suppose I should start updating regularly here instead of just posting to other social channels... so here we go!
Bob Nelson is friends with Anthology, Inc.
Bob Nelson is friends with Charmain Kading
Bob Nelson is friends with Jacob Hubbard
Bob Nelson is friends with BC Bob
Bob Nelson is friends with Proxima Bob
Bob Nelson is friends with ABC Webmaster
Basic Information
About me
Bob Nelson is the Publisher behind Brick Cave Media, co-Founder of Anthology, Inc. Literary Non profit, and the owner of Proxima Emporium, LLC. -
Mesa, AZ
Contact Information